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Mehmet Gursoy

mehmet gursoy iznik ciniMehmet Gürsoy, born in 1950, is a worldfamed ceramic artist who revives the Iznik Ceramic Art, lost towards the end of 17.cc, and who takes it much further with his new comments. GURSOY, is the succesor of Iznik Ceramic Art, known since 16th century, on our present day.

Gursoy, a private student of Professor Muhsin Demironat from Academy of Fine Arts in Istanbul, has been actively dealing with ceramic art for 35 years, and is well known for striving to revive Nicaea ceramics. Having dwelt upon this antique art through his individual studies and researches, Gursoy has succeeded in restructuring the motifs and patterns and led to the rebirth of the forgotten art. Furthermore, via his extended studies, he was able to rediscover the 'lost' colours and formula of clay mixture.

Famed  Ottoman artists  of the  late 15th to 17th century captured with vibrant colors of precious stones under the glaze of the finest Turkish Iznik Ceramic, or `Cini.`  Today`s Mehmet Gursoy, highly regarded as Turkey`s most exceptional master `Cinici` or maker of `Cini`,  extracts principles and forms from 15th to 17th century Cini to bring unique new pieces to life , in exceptional designs that reflect the enormity and richness of the Ottoman  Empire as his predecessors saw it. Truly powerful indeed. Prof. Henry Glassie - Indiana University
He was awarded the first prize for vase and plate design and won the second prize for panel decoration in the 1st International Ceramic Congress Competition in 1986. Gursoy has made contributions to the art through educating art students and offering courses in Dumlupinar University in Kutahya. The artist has participated in many national and international exhibitions as well as holding several individual ones in various art festivals throughout the world.
For Gursoy, is a piece of melody addressing the eye. Tulips, roses, hyacinths, and other plants used in ceramic designs are the musical notes constituting the song. Through this art, the precious colours of various patterns are revealed to the eye.
In 2009 the artist was awarded for the 'People Living Treasure' prize by UNESCO.



mehmet gursoy